About Ever June Co.


who we are

Hi, I’m Merry! This is my husband Jamie and I. We and our family are the faces behind Ever June Co. Jamie was raised in public school, and I had homeschool, private school, and public school experience in nearly equal parts. Now, we homeschool our own three children! Along the way, we had difficulty finding homeschool resources that fit our family goals and purposes and were also efficient, biblically sound, aesthetically pleasing, and affordable.

As a photographer and writer with web and graphic design background and artistic leanings, I realized there was no reason I couldn’t begin to create the resources I wanted to meet our needs! At first, we just used them in our own homeschool, but eventually as friends and family expressed how much they loved our homeschool resources, we decided to make our designs available for other families and Ever June Co. was born.

We believe the most important thing you’ll do in this life is point your children and those around you to Jesus Christ and the life-changing truth of the Gospel. Everything we do at Ever June Co. is designed to support you as you endeavor to do just that.

Our prayer is to help you along your way.


Our favorite products

Here are a few glimpses of our life! I’m wild about house plants…although they don’t always fare very well. We love encountering God’s Creation all around us!

Most of our Ever June Co. products are rooted in Scripture, so in our Etsy shop you’ll find Bible Verse Copywork, Charlotte Mason Inspired Hymn Studies, unit studies, minimalist digital art prints, and more. Here are a few of our current top-selling products:


our homeschool approach

We spend as much time outdoors and encountering nature as possible! In the Midwest, the hottest and coldest months can present challenges, but we still pursue intentional time outdoors every day!

Each year, we pray and evaluate what the Lord is calling us to in schooling and life in that specific year and season, what our individual children’s needs, dreams and goals are, and how we can best honor God in our choices and stewardship of time, resources and influence as parents and as a family. We are committed to doing this every year, and periodically throughout each school term. There may come a time when we are led to pursue alternate schooling for our children, and it is important to us that we stay surrendered and open to God’s will for our family. His plan is better than anything we could dream up, anyway.

Several aspects of our homeschool approach are inspired by Charlotte Mason and Ambleside Online, but most people would probably call us “eclectic homeschoolers.” We have used a variety of homeschool curriculums and subjects over the years, including: Five in a Row, Beyond Five in a Row, Abeka, Bob Jones, Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool, Dimensions, Learning Without Tears, and more. Because of our wide and varied experiences, we are convinced there is no one right way or curriculum for homeschool!

For more on this, check out our blog! Be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss a single post!

Thanks for learning more about us! What would you like to do next?